Pokémon can now evolve into forms available in other generations, with the exception of Pokémon such as Umbreon and Espeon.Pokémon are now able to breed, once reaching Four Island on the Sevii Islands during the post-game quest.

Pokémon now have genders, natures, and abilities.The Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter can be used and is packed with the game.A new area, the Sevii Islands, can be accessed.However, only a few Generation II Pokémon that aren't part of the Hoenn Pokédex entries can be found in these versions without having to trade from Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Pokémon from the Generation II and Generation III games can be obtained.Red, the male player and Leaf, the female character. The player can choose to play as a male or female character.The following are the new changes and upgrades made to Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen from the original games, Pokémon Red and Green. These following locations are from the Sevii Islands: After the player character battles their rival and leaves the lab, they are entitled to win every Gym Badge, compete in the Pokémon League, and fulfill Oak's dream by catching every Pokémon. There, he gives them a Pokémon of their own and a Pokédex, telling them about his dream to make a complete guide on every Pokémon in the world. When the player character tries to leave the town without a Pokémon of their own, they are stopped in the nick of time by Professor Oak, who invites them to his lab. The player character starts out in Pallet Town.